
My oh my, it has been a while. I've been deep deep in revision and exams for the past weeks and sadly everything else has taken a back seat. But now it's summer! I'm free from exams and blogging no longer counts as serious procrastination. 

As soon as exams were over, my first act of freedom was to go on a
long bicycle ride. Although the glorious weather we had when I was stuck in the library departed, it was still a fairly pleasant day. My main focus of this post is to introduce one of my greatest loves. Louis. Louis is my vintage bike. He's french, a flashing red and full of character. There are few days I don't cycle him and I honestly can't imagine not having him now. I got him at the beginning of this academic year to replace my previous bike 'rusty'. So far I've taken him on lots of adventures and this summer I'm even considering cycling him to France. Here are some photos of him and my cycle ride to Craigton Country Park. The park itself is wonderful. In the middle there is a lake with a house in which looks like something out of a fairy tale. 

If you are stuck for anything to do this summer then I encourage you to get on your bike and ride! There are so many cool places you can discover in your own town on two wheels. Hopefully I'll be able to upload some more adventures with Louis soon. 

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